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In the words of today’s guest, "You’re not truly sh*t hot until there’s a comic about you."
This week, we talk to Austin "Farva" May, the author of the relatively new web comic "Air Force Blues." Air Force Blues directs a finely-tuned wit at the US Air Force and fighter pilots in particular. We caught up with Farva at his home during a recent evening to talk about the Air Force, flying, and comics.
May was an airborne surveillance technician on the Boeing E-3 Sentry for four years. The E-3 is a a military airborne warning and control system (AWACS) aircraft that provides surveillance, command, control and communications in all weather conditions.
Click here for interview audio.
Additional information:
Air Force Blues website: www.afblues.comFarva's AWACker MySpace page: www.myspace.com/awacker
Wikipedia entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_Force_Blues
USAF Recruiting: www.airforce.com
AWACker at Chairforce: http://www.chairforce.com/fun/awacker/awacker.htm
CAPblog's entry about AWACker.com: http://capblog.typepad.com/capblog/2004/07/awackercom.html
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