Ron Klutts and I have carried on a correspondence for more than a year and we finally met in person at AirVenture Oshkosh this summer. Ron and a friend had flown all the way from Palo Alto and had made a two-week ossyssey out of the OSH trip.
So when I thought about doing a show on going places (far-away places) Ron naturally came to mind. In this episode, we talk about long-distance GA flying. How to plan, what to take, how to pack, and other lessons learned from two nearly trans-continental trips.
Also check out Ron's appearance on The Pilot's Flight PodLog - Episode 9.
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I want all of the sprinters to listen up.
Sprinters you say?
It’s approaching winter here in the northern hemisphere. For a lot of us, that means that snow on the ground and icing in the skies will soon be a daily fact of life. If you’re on the edge of getting that elusive certificate or rating and trying to make the decision about whether to do a sprint to get it done before winter comes in earnest or wait until spring, here’s your wake-up call to put on those spikes and get your toes set in those blocks.
You say you’re nailing your slow flight or your eights on pylons or your precision approaches and you’re ready to fly the examiner, but you haven’t done the knowledge test yet? Well don’t let the knowledge test stop you from getting that certificate or rating this fall!
Gleim knowledge transfer systems can help you learn the information you need to know quickly and efficiently. Gleim uses actual FAA knowledge test questions so you’re prepared for the subject matter, form, and style of the questions and can walk into the exam with confidence.
I’m not saying that Gleim will do the work or that you won’t have to apply yourself. Nothing worth doing is easy. But if you’re ready to put in the work and want materials that will make efficient use of your time and make your study efforts pay off, Gleim knowledge transfer materials are your best friends.
I have a more-than-full-time job as a lawyer and I write and lecture frequently on top of that. I also have two small children and a wife who works full time so I have plenty to do around the house. When I drove a stake into the ground and said that this would be the year for the instrument rating, one of the first things I did was go get fresh Gleim study preparation software and the Gleim audio for the instrument rating. I used the software in the early mornings and at lunch to go through study sessions that helped me to nail the exam questions. I carried around the print version of the Gleim knowledge transfer outline so that I could study during spare moments and so that I’d have the full-color figures of the IFR en route charts and other provided materials for the knowledge test. And I listened to the Gleim audio while I pulled the kids around the neighborhood in the wagon.
I worked hard at it and the Gleim materials made every spare minute count.
So if you’re thinking about making a sprint to finish that certificate or rating before the snow flies, don’t put it off because of the knowledge test. Get Gleim knowledge transfer materials and then make every minute count with concise outlines, real FAA test questions, and audio that turns drive time (or walking time) into study time.
Gleim has knowledge transfer systems for Sport Pilot, Private Pilot, Instrument Pilot, Commercial Pilot, Flight/Ground Instructor, Airline Transport Pilot, Multi-Engine, and Flight Engineer and even specialty materials like refresher courses great for use before your BFR or Instrument Proficiency Check. No matter how you learn best, Gleim packages the information in a way that’s right for you. From online courses like Gleim’s Online Ground School to test-prep CD-ROMs to books and audio programs, Gleim has a system that’s right for your learning style.
Drive your own stake into the ground, commit to that sprint, and get that certificate or rating. Then, when things get green again, you’ll be ready for that next great adventure instead of staring that same old barrier in the face.
Gleim has knowledge transfer systems for Sport Pilot, Private Pilot, Instrument Pilot, Commercial Pilot, Flight/Ground Instructor, Airline Transport Pilot, and Flight Engineer.
And, for a limited time, by special arrangement with Airspeed, Gleim will give Airspeed listeners 25% off their purchases of Gleim pilot kits. That’s right. Just give the promotional code "ASPD" at the time of your order and Gleim will knock 25% off your Gleim pilot kit just for being an Airspeed listener.
You can reach Gleim at or call them up on the phone at (800) 874-5346 and remember to use the promotional code "ASPD" to get your 25% Airspeed listener discount for a limited time only.
1 comment:
I've been listening to your podcasts while on the road for about six months. They have been very entertaining and informative.
I had a chance to do three great 'extreme' cross countries to the Canadian arctic and the Magnetic North Pole and Alaska that you may enjoy looking at. Some pictures and data are at
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