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These are the show notes to an audio episode. If you want to listen online, please use the direct link below. http://media.libsyn.com/media/airspeed/AirspeedAcroCamp02.mp3.
Not much in the way of show notes for this one, but be sure to listen. Don Weaver is one of the IPs who will be instructing at Acro Camp. In this episode, you get to hear his take on aerobatics and what you can expect if we pick you as a camper.
Find Don on Twitter as @DonRWeaver or at www.mytransponder.com as DonFlies. And see the OptAir Shares site at www.optair.com.
1 comment:
It's Steadicam Always an "I" NEVER a "y" and it's a trademark, along with what I do for a living.
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