Subscribe to Airspeed through iTunes or your favorite other podcatcher, listen to audio at http://airspeed.libsyn.com/, or download directly at http://media.libsyn.com/media/airspeed/AirspeedCheckrideUpdate2007-10-01.mp3.
Also listen to 29 September's Checkride Update at http://media.libsyn.com/media/airspeed/AirspeedCheckRideUpdate2007-09-29.mp3.
Off to a slow start. Spent most of the weekend and all day today at work. Went to Kirby's Koney for dinner and edited a bit more of the book.
Going to go fly some sim in the morning. Probably partial-panel approaches to some relevant airports. Trying to get work out of the way so I can spend a few evenings studying my hiney off.
what program do they use for a sim? Flight Simulator from Microsoft?
I fly 172's in FS2004
Do you have a computer at home that has the horse power for Flight Sim? If so that could give just that bit more of practice.
See the October 5 blog post above. The sim used OnTop software.
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