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Went to Paul Stambaugh’s Fly ‘Em If You Got ‘Em hangar party this afternoon at Ann Arbor (KARB) with Cole and Ella. The whole airport community shows up each year for barbeque and some bring airplanes. There’s usually at least a Stearman and several others and Paul likes to fly his Pitts for the gathering.
A shot of the crowd. It’s usually a little more spread out, but it rained on and off throughout the afternoon and everybody pretty much kept to the hangar itself. Made for a more intimate setting with lots of folks in close proximity.
Cole and Ella found a spot next to Steve’s biplane and grazed on the goodies all afternoon. The food was unusually good this year and someone bade perhaps the best baked beans I've ever eaten. Paul had lots of pork, hanburgers, and hot dogs on the roaster and the pulled pork was outstanding.
Before too long, Paul filled up the smoke oil tank on the Pitts and taxied out fo give us a demo. A high-performance take-off to an inverted downwind, then three passes, including a this high-speed pass.
The Stearman showed up just as we were leaving, but I managed to run back to the runway and grab this shot of it just as it was landing. It's a beautiful aircraft and I wish that we had had more time to go look at it up close. But it was raining pretty well and I already had the kids in the car.
Many thanks to Paul and Steve for throwing this party every year. It's nice to get back to Ann Arbor every now and then.
If you're a non-pilot or just beginning and have yet to really feel at home at your airport, find a way to get invited to a hangar party or two. It's the single best way to network and meet new friends on the field!
1 comment:
Ahhh memories. That Hangar Party was one of the best attended that I can recall.
The food was outstanding and the pork was tender,tasty and spiced just right.
There were some "big names" there but not wanting to be a name dropper, I won't mention who they were :)
Well worth the drive to get there.Paul is a great host and we hope to be invited to the next one.
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