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These are the show notes to an audio episode. If you want to listen online, please use the direct link below. http://media.libsyn.com/media/airspeed/AirspeedRemosGX.mp3.
At Oshkosh this year, I had the chance to join a merry band of new-media types at Orion Air to go test-fly the Remos GX, a light sport aircraft.
This was my first time flying a light sport aircraft of any kind. I’ve been a fan of LSAs since they were first introduced, but, due to training and other priorities in my own flying, this was the first time that I had had an opportunity to fly one.

In order to get the full spectrum of the experience, I invited several other new-media folks who flew the Remos GX at Oshkosh to join me on this episode to talk about it. From student pilots like Scott F. Murphy and David Allen to relatively new private pilot Bill Williams to me to experienced CFI Mike Miley, you’ll be able to identify at least one panelist on this episode that matches your mission, qualifications, and skillset and gives you the perspective that you seek in evaluating this great LSA.
Thanks to Rod Rakic and http://www.mytransponder.com/ for coordinating the demo flights for this episode!
Pictured in the lead image (L-R): David "Ducky" Allen, Scott Murphy, Cole "FOD" Tupper, Bill Williams, Rod "Fanboy" Rakic.
Very interesting to hear! especially as I bought a new GX here in the uk a few months ago. I am an ex BA pilot having flown everything from Viscount to Concorde. I have found that it is beautifully finished (typically german) and flies easily and efficiently. One or two small faults (luggage access, turning circle on the ground) but I have found it (so far) to be impressive
I can't wait to fly the float version. With the doors off!
I've been in the CRJ for the last seven years and really miss flying smaller GA airplanes. This one looks like a great airplane to fly.
I look forward to further updates.
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