This is a regular blog post. If you’re looking for show notes or links to show audio, please check out the other posts.
Podapalooza 2009! It went over well and everyone had a pretty good time. It’s getting big in terms of the number of podcasters and shows represented, but it’s not unwieldy yet.
Here, Bill Williams, Kent Shook, and Rob Mark set mic levels and prep for the show. I took along my usual assemblage of cables and adapters and we patched together a good sound rig in something line 30 minutes. David Allen, who’s volunteering with EAA Radio this week, coordinated the broadcast with the studio and it sounds like it went off seamlessly.

A view of the stage and the gathering crowd as we set up.

Here’s the audience on the right-hand side just before we went live. A good gathering. Everyone there listens to at least two or three of the shows, which makes for a dedicated and attendant crowd. It’s odd how many times someone walks right past you until he or she hears your voice. At which point he or she whips around and introduces him- or herself as a listener. We truly are the voices in peoples’ heads, I guess.
Keep an eye on the Airspeed feed. Each show will release its version of the show at or after a specified time. I run the entire thing on the Airspeed feed, so be sure to tune in to hear the entire program.
We chowed down at Mario’s afterward and returned to the campground to crash. Seaplane base tomorrow if the weather’s decent!
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