I’ve been fortunate over the last three years to make appearances on Sun ‘N Fun Radio, the event radio station for the Sun ‘N Fun Fly-In in Lakeland, Florida. And, the last two years, I’ve done it even though I was a good 900 miles from the show site.
With the assistance of David Allen at the station’s site, I looped in podcasters from all over the US and from Australia for #NotAtSnF11, a show featuring people who are not at the show but who wish they were. Although this has all of the material that went out over the air, we kept the tape rolling so that you guys get to hear what does on behind the scenes during one of these shows.
Participants this year were as follows.
Steve Visscher and Grant McHerron of Plane Crazy Down Under
Chris Holub and John Conway, two thirds of the In the Pattern
Will Hawkins from The Pilot’s Flight PodLog and A Pilot’s Story
Bill Williams of The Pilotcast
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